Daily note#7

Inter Clent
1 min readOct 18, 2022

Today's topic is Rstudio practicing. I've started to learn programming several times, from C++, FORTRAN, Matlab, Python, and now it's Rstudio. I do not intend to give up so many times, most of them were the subjects I had to learn in my undergraduate period. And now, whilst I am studying Psychological science, Rstudio has become the tool to analyze data.

So far, I practice select, filter, sort, group, arrange, and is able to import library and install basic package. There is invariably a question coming to my mind — I understand those programming scripts are tools, how could I find out a suitable area to do an application? And maybe it's also a question to myself, I know I can apply critical thinking and problem-solving frameworks to my career, but what is my ultimate goal in the end?

Although I know I do not have to be in a rush to dig out all the answers now, sometimes it is just inevitable to think if there is a way to do like fortune telling and set guidance for my life.



Inter Clent

Gaining new ideas from books and others and be a practitioner for these new ideas